Praying For The Children
Acts 19:20.........I thank you Father that Your Word prevails over our children.
Isa 54:13...........That they are taught of the Lord and continue to be
Prov 13:1.......... the fruit of godly instruction and correction.
Isa 54:13...........Great is their peace and undisturbed composure.
Prov 2:6............ Father, give us counsel and wisdom in bringing up our children
1Pet 1:14.......... I say they are obedient, not conforming to the things of the flesh,
1Pet 1:15.......... but holy, in all conduct.
1Pet 2:2........... desiring the pure milk of the Word that they may grow thereby.
Jas 1:19............That they are swift to hear, slow to speak, and slow to wrath.
Heb 13:5.......... Their conduct is without covetousness,
Heb 13:5.......... and they are content with what they have.
Heb 13:16......... They do not forget to do what is right and to share.
2Pet 3:18.......... I pray that they grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord,
1Thes 4:1......... and abound more and more in how they should walk and please You.
1Pet 5:5........... That they submit to their elders, and to one another,
1Pet 5:5........... being clothed with humility.
1Pet 5:7........... That they cast their cares upon You, Father, for You care for them.
Jas 1:22............I thank You that they are doers of the Word, and not hearers only,
Ph'm 1:6...........effectively sharing their faith.
2Tim 1:7 ..........not having a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.
2Tim 1:9...........Father, You have saved them and called them with a holy calling,
2Tim 1:9 ..........not according to works, but according to Your own purpose.
2Tim 4:18.........Deliver them from every evil work and preserve them.
John 10:5 ........They will by no means follow strangers, not knowing their voices.
2Tim2:22 .........They abide with others who call on the Lord out of a pure heart,
Jas 3:10 ..........and cursing comes not out of their mouth.
1Jn 5:18 ..........Because Jesus keeps them safe, the wicked one does not touch them.
Ps 91:11..........Give Your angels special charge to accompany, defend, preserve
Ps 4:8.............and provide safety for them, day and night.
1Jn 2:5 ...........Because they keep Your Word, Your love is being perfected in them.
1Jn 2:15 .........They do not love the world or the things in the world,
3Jn 1:11..........and they do not imitate what is evil, but what is good.
1Jn 1:7 ...........They walk in the light as You are in the Light,
Jas 4:8 ...........cleansing their hands and purifying their hearts,
2Tim 2:22 .......They follow after righteousness, faith, love, and peace.
Heb 13:18........They have a good conscience and desire to live honorably,
Prov 3:4 ..........having favor and high esteem with God and man.
In Jesus name amen...
Thank you Father for walking with me daily. Father I ask that you create in me a clean heart, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me(psalm 51:10-11). Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. (Psalm 19:14)KJV
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Prayer 08
Father today I kneel before you asking you to forgive me for sinning against you. Lord I ask that you strengthen me and help me to walk in a manner that is pleasing and acceptable to you. Guide my steps lord and let me not lose sight of the way in which you'd have me to go . Let my eyes be open to all you'd have me to see, and hears to all you'd have me to hear. Enhance my view of you.
Let the words of my mouth and medication of my heart be acceptable in your sight. You are my strength and my redeemer. psalm 19:14
Who but you can lift me out of the pit I so freely walked in? Who but you can redeem, save, judge, teach and deliver? There's no one, no one in heaven or on earth who can do as you can my father. All power is in your mighty hands my father. In you only do I place my trust and in you only do I rely and depend on. Thank you for your love, grace and mercy. Thank you for your holy spirit that lives in me. Thank you for your forgiveness. Thank you for saving me from the pit and depts of my enemy. Thank you father... In Jesus name I pray... Amen.
“I love the LORD, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy. Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live.”- Psalm 116:1-2
Let the words of my mouth and medication of my heart be acceptable in your sight. You are my strength and my redeemer. psalm 19:14
Who but you can lift me out of the pit I so freely walked in? Who but you can redeem, save, judge, teach and deliver? There's no one, no one in heaven or on earth who can do as you can my father. All power is in your mighty hands my father. In you only do I place my trust and in you only do I rely and depend on. Thank you for your love, grace and mercy. Thank you for your holy spirit that lives in me. Thank you for your forgiveness. Thank you for saving me from the pit and depts of my enemy. Thank you father... In Jesus name I pray... Amen.
“I love the LORD, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy. Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live.”- Psalm 116:1-2
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Prayer 07
Father I thank you for this day. Lord I thank you for your constant hand of protection over me, my children, love ones, and family. Father I ask that you open the eyes hearts and minds of those we have elected to govern our cities and states. Father I ask that you provide them with the wisdom and knowledge needed to govern as you see fit. Put a desire of governing according to your standard on there heart and give them the willingness and wisdom to see it through. Let them not lead by popular demand but by your command. Walk with them as they strive to lead their perspective cities and states in a manner that is pleasing to you. Let the fear of the lord be there only fear. Strengthen them as they strive to do what is right and just as you rebuke the devour for there sake. Remind them of your power might and belief in you and your mighty word. When trouble arises let them feel your love and presence with them reminding them that the battle belongs to you and there's nothing to hard for you.
I pray that they seek you in prayer before each and every decision they make and that they wait expecting a word of guidance from you.
Father many are looking for a change, a change in the way government is run; a change in practices and even a change in leaders but you know what we truly need. As a nation Father we need a change in heart. Your word says if your people would humble themselves and seek your face you would heal the land. Teach us how to be a humble and obedient nation. Shine light on the era of our ways and give us the wisdom and true desire to change. We're lost without you father. You are the potter father and we your clay, make and mold us as you see fit Lord. Forgive us of our sins and give us the willingness and desire to change all within us that's not pleasing to you. Let us your vessels be a positive light forever shining in this world and light that glorifies you. Thank you Father for the work you've done in us and for the work you will continue to do until the day of completion.
In Jesus name I pray. Amen
I pray that they seek you in prayer before each and every decision they make and that they wait expecting a word of guidance from you.
Father many are looking for a change, a change in the way government is run; a change in practices and even a change in leaders but you know what we truly need. As a nation Father we need a change in heart. Your word says if your people would humble themselves and seek your face you would heal the land. Teach us how to be a humble and obedient nation. Shine light on the era of our ways and give us the wisdom and true desire to change. We're lost without you father. You are the potter father and we your clay, make and mold us as you see fit Lord. Forgive us of our sins and give us the willingness and desire to change all within us that's not pleasing to you. Let us your vessels be a positive light forever shining in this world and light that glorifies you. Thank you Father for the work you've done in us and for the work you will continue to do until the day of completion.
In Jesus name I pray. Amen
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