Sunday, August 8, 2010

Prayer 07

Father I thank you for this day.  Lord I thank you for your constant hand of protection over me, my children, love ones, and family.  Father I ask that you open the eyes hearts and minds of those we have elected to govern our cities and states.  Father I ask that you provide them with the wisdom and knowledge needed to govern as you see fit. Put a desire of governing according to your standard on there heart and give them the willingness and wisdom to see it through.  Let them not lead by popular demand but by your command.  Walk with them as they strive to lead their perspective cities and states in a manner that is pleasing to you.  Let the fear of the lord be there only fear.  Strengthen them as they strive to do what is right and just as you rebuke the devour for there sake.  Remind them of your power might and belief in you and your mighty word.  When trouble arises let them feel your love and presence with them reminding them that the battle belongs to you and there's nothing to hard for you. 
I pray that they seek you in prayer before each and every decision they make and that they wait expecting a word of guidance from you.

Father many are looking for a change, a change in the way government is run; a change in practices and even a change in leaders but you know what we truly need.  As a nation Father we need a change in heart.  Your word says if your people would humble themselves and seek your face you would heal the land.  Teach us how to be a humble and obedient nation.  Shine light on the era of our ways and give us the wisdom and true desire to change.  We're lost without you father.  You are the potter father and we your clay, make and mold us as you see fit Lord.  Forgive us of our sins and give us the willingness and desire to change all within us that's not pleasing to you.  Let us your vessels be a positive light forever shining in this world and light that glorifies you.  Thank you Father for the work you've done in us and for the work you will continue to do until the day of completion. 

In Jesus name I pray.  Amen

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