Tuesday, December 21, 2010

In His Arms: Prayer 028

Father I thank you for my life and allowing me to see another day.  I thank you for leading and guiding me through out what will soon be the end of one year and beginning of another.  I thank you for the unexpected joy you continue to fill my life with and I thank you for being my comforter and strong tower in times of trials.  Father at times the negatives of this world can be frightening but we your children realize you said it would be so and you also said you would protect,provide, and guide us.  Lord I pray that there be a stronger desire and longing for you in the new year.  Lord I pray that eyes be opened to you and your saving grace.  Thank you for being more than I deserve this year.Thank you for loving me.   In Jesus name I pray.  Amen

Prayer 027

Father I thank you for allowing me to be one among the living.  I thank you for my health and strength. 
 I thank you for the ability to celebrate the wondrous birth of your son Jesus, and I thank you for loving me in spite of me.  Father for reasons I'm not sure of my soul is troubled.  I pray that you intercede on my behalf removing the dark cloud that seems to be surrounding me and open my eyes to the cause. 
Restore to me the joy of your salvation and give me the ability to lift my voice in praises to you. 
You are my strength, my redeemer and lifter of my head.  Father I know that there are many who are lonely, many who'd love to have someone to spend Christmas with but don't.  Many who are depressed and many who don't know where there next meal is going to come from even on Christmas.  I also know that you are able and well equipped to care for their every need.  You work in ways we could never understand and have plans and thoughts of us we could never imagine. You who provide nourishment for the birds and ravens can and will provide for those in need.  You said that if we called on you, you would hear and answer us.  I'm so thankful that you Father are true to your word.  I'm so thankful that I can call on you at any time.  I'm so thankful for your grace and mercy.  I'm so thankful that I am one of your children.   Father wrap your loving arms around those who in this season feel like no one cares. Wrap your arms around those in bereavement and those who feel like they can't find there way.  Lord lead them to you and the way of everlasting realizing that You father are our gift.  You who wash away the ills of this world and you who love beyond imagination. Thank you Father for your son Jesus.  In Jesus name I pray. 

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Prayer 026

Father there are many who are depressed, mourning, and suffering from mental and physical
illnesses. Many who know of you but don't know you.  Many who haven't realize your power and saving grace.  Many who don't know you as there healer, protector, provider and present help in times of trouble. Father I ask you to open there eyes to the fullness of you. Put the perfect laborers in there path and meet them in your word placing a deeper and richer understanding of you in there hearts.

Father I thank you for what you've to me and what you've done for me.   You are the giver and taker of life and the lifter of my head. You are my bright in the morning star and the director of my path.  You are in my today and know all about my tomorrow.  You are everything to me.  You've been my mother when I felt mother less and father when I felt fatherless.  You are my best friend and the one who knows me from with in.  You counted the hairs on my head and placed my tears in your bottle.  There's no one greater than you.  There's no one who has expressed an undying love for me the way you have.  In spite of myself.  In spite of my many faults and weaknesses you continue to love me and be with me. So no matter how troubling life appears to be, no matter how many times I fall, and no matter what what lies ahead I know and am very sure that You will take care of it all.  I will not be defeated because I know the one and true living God lives inside of me. Healing, protecting, providing, comforting and even correcting me.  My life is in good hands because my life is in your hands.   Thank you Father... In Jesus name I pray..

Scripture ref:  Isaiah 61:2-3. Psalm 1:4, 56:8,Matt 10:30

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Prayer 025

Father on this day I ask you to be the strong tower needed in the lives of your children.  In you Father do we place our trust.  You Lord are unchanging and will never fail.    Father we, your children are calling on you to heal your land.  A land that we continue to make such a mess of and say it's for the good of the people.  A land that has been polluted with violence and the evils of the world.  A land that is often not appreciated, respected or expresses the glory of you. 
 Father you said if we humble ourselves, pray, seek your face, and, turn from our wicked ways you would hear from heaven, forgive us of our sins and heal our land (2chron7:14).  We come to you Lord asking you to come into our hearts, and make us the people you'd have us to be. We come to you Father asking for your forgiveness for any part we've played in not honoring you or the land you've created.  We come to you with a desire to seek you as never before.  Show us where we continue to miss the mark and open our eyes to the things within us that are not pleasing to you. Change us Lord. Change us from the inside out and as you change us let our desire for this change be one that never dies. In Jesus name I pray..Amen

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

prayer 024

 But my God shall supply all your need according to
his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. (Phil 4:19)

Thank you Father for meeting all of my needs.  Thank you for waking me this morning and enabling me to find all the members of my household among the living.  Father I thank you for in the cool of the day you provided us with heat, and as we prepared for our day we didn't have to wonder what we'd eat, drink, wear, or even how we'd get to our different destinations. Lord you said in your word you would provide these things for us.  You told us not to be anxious over anything because You know the what, when and how that's needed in our lives.  Forgive us Father when we mistakenly take for granted the many blessing you bestow a pond us and forgive for moments of weakness that cause us to lose sight of you and the faith we should have in you.     
In Jesus name I pray.  Amen 

Scripture:  Luke 12:22-30