Father there are many who are depressed, mourning, and suffering from mental and physical
illnesses. Many who know of you but don't know you. Many who haven't realize your power and saving grace. Many who don't know you as there healer, protector, provider and present help in times of trouble. Father I ask you to open there eyes to the fullness of you. Put the perfect laborers in there path and meet them in your word placing a deeper and richer understanding of you in there hearts.
Father I thank you for what you've to me and what you've done for me. You are the giver and taker of life and the lifter of my head. You are my bright in the morning star and the director of my path. You are in my today and know all about my tomorrow. You are everything to me. You've been my mother when I felt mother less and father when I felt fatherless. You are my best friend and the one who knows me from with in. You counted the hairs on my head and placed my tears in your bottle. There's no one greater than you. There's no one who has expressed an undying love for me the way you have. In spite of myself. In spite of my many faults and weaknesses you continue to love me and be with me. So no matter how troubling life appears to be, no matter how many times I fall, and no matter what what lies ahead I know and am very sure that You will take care of it all. I will not be defeated because I know the one and true living God lives inside of me. Healing, protecting, providing, comforting and even correcting me. My life is in good hands because my life is in your hands. Thank you Father... In Jesus name I pray..
Scripture ref: Isaiah 61:2-3. Psalm 1:4, 56:8,Matt 10:30
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